Sasha Georgeson LMFT


Resolve Conflict through Mediation

Conflict can happen at any stage of life.  It can be layered and complex, and as a society we have limited skills around how to resolve conflict. Mediation is a process where individuals can express themselves openly and honestly, feel heard, and have the opportunity to understand what is happening with the other party. When navigated well, conflict can create better relationships, opportunities for new paths forward, and a deeper understanding of what is important for each person.

Mediation transforms a power struggle into a collaborative effort in which parties work together with a mediator to come to resolution. The mediation process encourages and supports new ways to effectively communicate around issues that trigger strong emotions so that new ideas for resolution can emerge.  One of the biggest values of mediation is that there is a genuine opportunity for the discovery and practice of new ways of relating.

My role as a mediator is to encourage dialogue between parties,: support each person to feel heard, and express their feelings, needs and share their experiences. My style is warm, empathetic, and introspective. I aim to create a space in which each person can have an opportunity to really hear what is underneath the surface.

Listed below are a few examples of how mediation can benefit you!

  • New ways of relating
  • Better communication
  • A safe place to have a dialogue
  • Increased understanding of what is important for you
  • Agreements to move forward

 Any agreements or resolutions made in this mediation process, can be re-drafted outside the mediation process so that it will be enforceable in a court of law.

Types of conflict include



Romantic Relationship


Sibling Conflict




Tenants and Landlord


Find out more about mediation!

Please fill out the form below to request a consultation.